Hope everyone had a great Easter! We took the boys and Mikelle to Newell for the weekend to celebrate with my folks, my grandpa, Violet, my aunt, and two cousins.
Yes, that's Trystin picking his nose. We brought the kids' bikes with us. They had a blast with their new found freedom. They cruised up and down the streets and even over to the park on their own. You gotta love small town life!
While Trystin & Mikelle formed their bicycle gang, Max decided to taste a stick....it didn't taste very good.
Jack thought he would try out the rollerskates. He loved them at first, but then he hit a crack in the sidewalk and biffed it. As you can see, he was not happy about it.

So we moved on to the bunny ears. Hop, hop, hop!

Then all the kids got in on the bunny action.
Saturday evening the kids dyed hard boiled eggs. Trystin had a hard time figuring out if you dipped the egg in two different colors, the first dye tainted the second dye, but he almost had it down by the time all the eggs were finished. The kids were going to eat their eggs later that night, but unfortunately we forgot all about them with all the other excitement.

Max took some time to learn how to read. He likes the funnies. Such a ham (Cunning-ham that is!)

Sunday morning the Easter bunny came hopping through the backyard while the kids played at the park. They were very excited to come back and see eggs peeking out of hiding spots. Unfortunately the egg hunt had a rough start, and Mikelle had to get bandaged up before the hunt could resume. Luckily we got back to smiles and good times quickly.

Jack & Max got to stay in Newell 2 extra nights. Grandpa and grandma will be bringing them home Tuesday morning - boy, do we miss our little boys!! The older 2 had school so had to be back. Mikelle got a little homesick, but we were really proud of her (she slept in a bed with no TV!). We've really been enjoying the extra time she has been spending with us.