So before I get another nasty gram from Alex for not keeping the blog updated, I figured I would surprise her with a TON of pictures. At last, I managed to document the crazy life we've been living this summer!
Curtis has been working on cleaning up the lockers we bought at the school auction. Max figured out how to get the doors open and had so much fun pretending to shut himself in that all the boys joined in the fun. Trystin also helped Curtis finish putting up the last patches of drywall in the garage.

I found the most amazing deal on craigslist - this Little Tykes truck to match daddy's truck! I have never seen these listed for less than $20, but I managed to get this one for just $8!!!! Jack's eyes were HUGE when he saw it and realized he got to take it home. Max can fit in the back end, so the boys can ride together.

Jack has also taken an interest in dressing up and pretending to be various superheroes. When I found this Batman underoo set, I couldn't resist. Jack wore his little boxer briefs and t-shirt for 2 days straight. He ran around the house saying, "I Batman Jack. No, it's me, Jack!" I also got him a set of Spiderman underoos to go with his Spiderman mask ("I Spiderman Jack").

Trystin was a big birthday winner. We let him open presents as soon as he woke up Friday morning. He was pretty happy with his Ironman shirt and Transformer toy, but a little confused by the fancy helmet we got him - at least until we tricked him into going outside and he saw his big present! He spent the rest of the day learning to ride safely.

Trystin and Mikelle helped me make Trystin's birthday cake Saturday morning....mmm, mmm....ice cream cake! Unfortunately we ran out of time to decorate it, but all the kids thought it still tasted REALLY good.

Yes, Max agreed the cake was good stuff. Not only did he let me feed him while he was sitting in his chair (he never lets anyone feed him anymore unless it's really good), but once he got down, he managed to find an uneaten piece and started helping himself. Amazingly, he didn't make any mess - he devoured each spoonful.

After presents and cake, the boys (Trystin and his friends Graham and Brock) took turns testing the 4-wheeler. Brock was already a little pro, but Graham took some time getting over his nerves. The boys were very good about taking turns.

Next came the girls (Mikelle and her friend Emma) turn. The girls had just as much fun as the boys. However, I think Curtis may have actually had the most fun. He enjoyed getting to hang out and hearing all kinds of kid wisdom (like copper comes from pennies and sunscreen).

Later that night Curtis and the kids gathered up wood for a bonfire. Curtis taught them how to make a perfect marshmallow, and the kids got their fill of smores. Some more smores, please!

Monday morning I took the kids to the zoo....

We got to see a wallaby REALLY up close....

And the ducks kept mooning us....

Zoo members get free train rides on Mondays....all aboard!

I think the turtles at the zoo aren't happy. This is the second time we've seen the turtles trying to escape...