Once again, swine flu is wreaking havoc in Cunningham Castle. This round took out yours truly. Let's just the say the last few days have pretty much been a haze. However, we did manage to get in a few interesting conversations with the boys:
Jack while talking to daddy: "Max was naughty. I was naughty too, but it's okay because I'm sick" (followed by several fake coughs).
Me to Max after he filled his diaper: "Max, are you poopy?"
Max: "Unh-nuh" (shakes his head)
Me: "Are you lying?"
Max: "Uh-huh, I poopy!" (smiles)
This last conversation with Max he repeated 3 times over the course of today, each time poopy.
Anyway, here's hoping we're all healthy by this weekend so the boys can enjoy Halloween!
Sew Quilty Quilt and NEW Fabric Line!
4 days ago