Warning: we had WAY too much fun this weekend and took WAY too many pictures!
How many pictures? 250 in just 2 days!! The boys just gave us so many great photo ops. So this promises to be a long blog entry, but hopefully you enjoy the pictures as much as we did taking them and living the moments that led to them.
We left for Minnesota Friday evening with the Tahoe packed so full and yet amazingly still had room for 6 people. I LOVE our Tahoe! We arrived at our hotel around 9pm. Of course the little boys slept a good chunk of the trip, so they weren't ready for bed. And Trystin and Mikelle were excited to see cousins, so they weren't ready for bed. And Curtis brought card games to play with my dad and brothers, so he wasn't ready for bed either! It ended up being a late night.
Saturday morning the kids were up early to get breakfast and get in the pool as soon as possible. And Curtis was eager to get to card playing. It was a fun family morning. I tried to get Jack and Max to take naps while the rest of us started getting ready for the wedding, but of course there was too much excitment going on for them, so they did not nap except for a 15 minute snooze on the way to the church.

Jack and Max looked so handsome in their ties! Unfortunately, Jack decided to take his off before pictures. He also had one of his camera-hating moments and cried during the family photo.

We're so happy to have Trevor Shannon join our family. He's a great catch Mandy!

And doesn't Mandy make the most gorgeous bride?!?

Jack had calmed down a bit by the time we took our little family picture. Unfortunately, he still didn't want the camera to see his eyes.

The girls had fun getting dressed up in dresses. Morgan had the cutest black shawl (not shown).

Isn't this the most handsome devil?? I can just hear our phone ringing off the hook in the future with all the girls that will be chasing after him....

We love our papa!

Is there any question where our boys get their good looks from??

Max thought it was quite entertaining to make Taryn hold his cup for him. He wouldn't drink unless she held it up for him.

Okay, Grandma Violet....I hope that's just an itchy nose!

Here comes the bride!

Trystin konked out during the ceremony. Too much excitement in one day for him.

Jack found his first love. I believe her name is Mya (Mandy, am I right?). He said she had on a "dancing dress." He kept looking at her during the reception, so I encouraged him to go talk to her. He was SOOOOOO nervous. After a 10 minute pep talk, he slinked out of his chair and shuffled shyly up to her. When he got close enough, he reached his hand out, waved, and ran back to the table.

After another short pep talk, he went back to her and waved again. He didn't say much to her, but he liked to always know where she was. Jack really wanted to dance with her; unfortunately, we ended up leaving before he was able (the boys were WAY too tired to stay up any longer).

Everyone still had a good time before we had to go! Max loves his cousin Trevor.

Going to have to work out a good system for referring to Trevor (Groth, my nephew) and Trevor (Shannon, my cousin's new husband).....

Loved the cupcakes - really made the boys day! Not so sure Mandy was really prepared for the traditional smashing of cake in the bride's face though.
Max tried to recreate the moment for her....

Sunday morning after another quick hotel pool swim, we checked out. Max was a great helper at making sure our luggage didn't fall off the cart. We managed to get everything packed back into the Tahoe and headed to the Mall of America. We made sure to prep the kids that we would not be able to see everything, we would not be buying a lot of treats and toys, but we would still do fun stuff.

The kids found the face painting lady first thing. Guess what Jack picked?? Yep, BatJack picked Batman. And he actually sat still!!!!!

Mikelle picked a flower.

Max snoozed.

And Trystin picked a spider after we convinced him that the Darth Vader one was too expensive.

Ever heard of Bubba Gump Shrimp? It's a household name.

We wanted to pick a place to eat that wasn't too spendy, but wasn't the typical fast food you can get any where. We found Johnny Rocket's. Highly recommend it - fun little diner atmosphere, filling burgers, and decent pricing. Our waitress even gave the kids nickels to put in the juke boxes. Unfortunately, none of their songs played while we were eating.

CHEESE! He loves to pose for pictures.

Lego City! Trystin was so excited that he could hardly contain himself.

Rrrrrr, matey!

The boys gave the Rainforest Cafe frog high fives. Then Jack ran up and gave him a hug - so sweet.

Every time we go by an Old Navy Store, Max insists on petting the dog mannequin. He loves that thing.

Make a wish! Curtis wished that Max wouldn't fall in. Almost happened, but Curtis' wish came true, and Max stayed dry.

Jack was quite upset that he wasn't tall enough for some of the rides. He kept trying to stretch up as high as he could.

Trystin and Mikelle settled on the space shoot for their ride.

Curtis couldn't resist taking a picture of the ladies sitting next to the kids.

Trystin was so scared he died to death!
Jack chose Azul the train for his ride.

Chugga....choo....chugga....choo....chugga chugga choo choo!

Before leaving they got to see SpongeBob. Max was quite excited, but didn't want to get very close.

A beautiful sunset to finish out our trip. This was taken just shortly crossing the MN/Iowa border.