After one of the longest winters in history (I believe we broke the state record for longest period with temperatures under 45 degrees and almost broke the record for snow total), the snow is almost gone! Of course, it has been 2 full weeks now of above freezing temps and we still have snow.
Jack and Max have been having a great time helping the snow melt faster. Last week they got out their red shovels and helped us scoop snow back into the driveway so it could soak up more of the beautiful sun rays.

Unfortuntely the sun has decided to say goodbye the last few days, leaving us with cloudy skies and rain. The combination of snow melt and rain has left our place a muddy mess. Jack and Max did their part once again by picking up pieces of gravel that had gotten pushed with the snow into the yard. Then they would throw their pebbles into puddles.

Jack was his typical anal self - if any of this rocks missed the puddle, he would go out and pick up the exact rock he had just thrown (not just any ol' rock) and make sure it got into the puddle. Luckily he didn't miss very often. He's going to be a great baseball player!

Huge thank you to Grandpa Tim, who got us a 16-ton load of gravel and spread it out over the driveway with his tractor. Now we can drive in and out without fear of getting stuck in the mud.

Of course, Jack and Max each had to take a turn driving the tractor!