Jack is becoming quite the talker. Here are a few recent things he's been saying...
"Wait! What you think you're doing?" That's what Jack said today when Renee from the SEP Early Learning Program was showing him a new way to play a game and he wanted to play the game the old way.
"Oh no! What do we do?" That was Jack's response to dad when he asked Jack to open the fridge and put the milk away.
"It won't go! Stuck!" Jack wanted to bring the container of wrapping paper into the living room all by himself. As he was pulling the tub through the hallway, he had trouble keeping hold of the tub, his Spider-Man toy, and moving forward at the same time. When I tried to help him, he then told me "No no!" and proceded to have Spider-Man hold the tub and try to pull it. I wish I had the camera for that one!!
"Crack - ker. Please! Please!" He tries so hard to pronounce cracker just right. And the way he says please is so sweet - it's hard to resist his requests.
Sew Quilty Quilt and NEW Fabric Line!
4 days ago
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