Jack drew his first picture on Thursday! He was sitting at the table doodling away, and I asked if he was drawing a picture. He said, "Daddy and Mommy" and pointed to his creation on the paper. I was so surprised because he had never said what he was drawing before - he just doodled. So I asked him to draw Trystin. He scribbled on the paper a little more in a different spot and said "Tada!" Then I asked him to draw himself. He moved to another spot on the paper, drew some more, and said "Tada!" So I asked him to draw Max. Once again he moved to a separate space on his paper, made some scribbles, and said "There Max!" Later when Curtis came home and looked at his drawing, Jack was able to tell daddy exactly which scribble was who. He has been all about drawing pictures ever since.
Max can cruise! If I stand him at the coffee table, a minute later he has moved to a different edge. I can't turn my back on him for a second, or he is crawling away. Diaper changing is an olympic event at our house - Max is constantly moving so that you work up a sweat trying to keep him still long enough to undress him, take off the diaper, put on a new diaper, and redress him. Half the time, I don't even fully dress him anymore. As Curtis says, if you can dress an octopus, you're ready for Max....
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