We're going to have to change our name to Honeyham. Well, okay, maybe not just yet. But that's what Cunningham sounds like when Jack says it. Curtis was trying to teach him our last name yesterday, and Jack kept saying "Jack Honeyham!" I'm so impressed with his language skills overall. He will repeat pretty much anything you say. He can say "hippopotamus" and "rhinoceros" with relative ease for a 2 year old. The other day as I was getting supper ready (hamburgers), Jack was not happy I set the mustard in front of him. He told me, "I don't want mustard. I just want ketchup!" I know those are both easy sentences, but I was just amazed at how clearly he spoke, how well his sentences were completed, and how important ketchup really is to him.

Jack has been asking for a haircut. And Curtis & I have been debating on how short to go. We love his curls, but he sweats SOOOOOO much. And when Jack sweats, his hair STINKS! So I took him to Great Clips today (Sorry Jen, I tried calling and you were booked solid). Jack cried during the whole haircut. He was really happy with his sucker afterwards though. When I asked him if I could take a picture of his new haircut, he posed by showing me the top of his head.

Max has really been developing his vocabulary as well. I was counting his words the other day and came up with 11: Mom, Dad, Trystin, Jack, Grandpa, Grandma, hi, bye, up, down, and all done. Sometimes you have to listen really well to hear the words, but if you pay attention to him, you can't miss them. Yesterday he became really interested in walking. He would consistently take 3-6 steps any time I stood him up. Today he actually let go of the coffee table to walk to me (usually if anything is around he won't let go).

Trystin completed 2 weeks of swim lessons. He met a new buddy (Brock) and can't wait for Brock to visit again so they can swim in our pool. Trystin has been doing pretty well in summer school. His teacher has started reading to him from the 5th grade level. He still won't read it himself, but when his teacher reads to him, he scores 80% on the comprehension!! We've all been talking to him about going to class next year. We keep reminding him that if he goes to class, he can be with his friends.