Sunday we bundled the kids up to go sledding on that 16 inches of snow in the yard. Trystin and Mikelle kept trying to figure out the best path for the sleds and who could go the furthest. For some strange reason, one sled was faster than the other - even though they were supposedly the exact same.

Jack tried really hard to keep up with the big kids. However, the snow was almost to his waist, so he was extremely tired by the end. Of course, he was having so much fun, he didn't want to stop!

As usual, Curtis kept the kids entertained with his antics. Each time he fell off the sled brought a new roll or dive or other mishap in the snow. 

Max really struggled to move in the snow, but he didn't complain too much. He even got to sled down the hill a few times (he liked to go with Mommy or Mikelle). But mostly, he really liked sitting on top of the hill and watching everyone. Curtis flattened out a little spot so he had a perfect seat.

At the end of the day we had some thoroughly exhausted kids. Jack fell asleep shortly before supper, and basically curled up in my lap the rest of the evening. Max went to bed very nicely and slept past 6am! And Trystin fell asleep in our bed watching cartoons. He was completely in dream world when Curtis told him to go to his own bed.

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