Where to begin?? It has been quite the week. Well, I guess we start with the good news. We have cement!! The ground was finally dry enough for the trucks to get in without sinking, so the workers arrived Wednesday. We now have a beautiful, smooth garage floor. They also finished the cement pad in front of the double doors so we don't have to walk on sheets of plywood anymore. At last our house isn't looking so trashy! This weekend Curtis plans to finish the new section of roof over the

existing house. Trystin has been an excellent helper up there - he has been earning money by removing shingles, pulling out nails, and sweeping. Now if we can just get him to listen that well and help out more inside the house....
And now for the not so good news. The crazy lady's prediction for Max did not come true. What crazy lady? About a month ago, I ran into a lady before my doctor's appointment who told me not to leave town on the Wednesday the 3rd week of June because that would be the day. While I had plenty of Braxton Hicks that day, he's obviously still not here.
And finally the really not so good news (yep, I buried this last cuz I still can't quite believe it). Yesterday we found out Max is in the breech position. So later today I have to call my doctor's office back to schedule a version - a procedure to try to turn him - in hopes of avoiding a c-section. It is an extremely uncomfortable procedure with risks. The version has only a 50/50 chance of working. If it does work, he may flip back on his own and end up with a c-section anyway. The procedure could also put me into labor or cause fetal distress, likely meaning an emergency c-section. But the procedure does give us a chance at natural birth. Considering Jack was born 100% natural (completely drug free), I think I can handle this. I'll be calling the doc this morning, so we'll know later today what the schedule will be for next week. In the meantime , please start praying that Max flips head down safely!
Update: The version is scheduled for 8am Tuesday at Methodist.