Sorry for those who follow the Cunningham Clan that I have not posted in a while. We have been quite busy - mostly with finishing up the addition. The stucco panels and a few battons are up - enough that we should be able to pass final inspection and appraisal this week. That means we'll be able to start moving Trystin upstairs sometime in the next couple weeks!

Trystin is relieved to be done with regular school. Unfortunately he has summer school 3 days a week for an hour each of those days. On the plus side, he is looking forward to swim lessons starting tomorrow, going to playdates with Chloe, and having Mikelle spend extra time with us this summer.
Jack has been really interested in all kinds of learning lately. He loves to count to 2, which sounds like this - "2! 2-3-2!" He also likes colors ("Mom-mom! Orange! Shirt, mom-mom! Orange!"). Jack is constantly asking me to draw circles. And this update on Jack was brought to you by the letter B (his favorite letter).
Max is a climber! He is climbing over EVERYTHING. He zooms up the stairs in nothing flat. And one day I turned around and found him on top of the eliptical machine. Unfortunately the little stinker still won't walk even though he is perfectly capable. We have to trick him by making him hold a toy or a cup. He's quite smart, though, and is on to most of our tricks.
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