We took the kids downtown for the Des Moines Tea Party. What a great day to remember what our country is all about - freedom! Thank you to all the soldiers presently serving and over the last 233 years who have fought to maintain our independence.
I've been doing a lot of reading lately, and one thought I keep coming back to is that our founding fathers were very well-read. Not necessarily well-educated (although some certainly were), but very well-read. They didn't just let others tell them what to think. They sought out knowledge. Whether you agree with my particular views or not, I encourage everyone to read and find out for yourselves. I just finished "The 5000 Year Leap" and highly recommend it. Next will be "Fountainhead" (which I've already read once, but Curtis is listening to an audio version, so I need to refresh myself so we can rehash it). And then "The Forgotten Man," "American Progressivism," "Common Sense" (Thomas Paine version), and "Common Sense" (Glenn Beck version).
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