Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008
"Wait! What you think you're doing?" That's what Jack said today when Renee from the SEP Early Learning Program was showing him a new way to play a game and he wanted to play the game the old way.
"Oh no! What do we do?" That was Jack's response to dad when he asked Jack to open the fridge and put the milk away.
"It won't go! Stuck!" Jack wanted to bring the container of wrapping paper into the living room all by himself. As he was pulling the tub through the hallway, he had trouble keeping hold of the tub, his Spider-Man toy, and moving forward at the same time. When I tried to help him, he then told me "No no!" and proceded to have Spider-Man hold the tub and try to pull it. I wish I had the camera for that one!!
"Crack - ker. Please! Please!" He tries so hard to pronounce cracker just right. And the way he says please is so sweet - it's hard to resist his requests.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yeah for a big boy bed! Curtis converted Jack's crib into a toddler bed on Wednesday. As you can imagine, Jack loves it. He is so excited to sleep in his "big bed" and to be able to get up on his own. He does not like the dark, so when he gets up he comes straight to our room and no where least yet. This morning he wanted to play in his bed with his pillow and covers. And then Jack said to me, "Cheese. Picture." So I took his picture.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Max is venturing into the domain of solid foods. Saturday was his first day to try rice cereal. And today he just gobbled his second bowl of cereal right up. Tonight at supper Max was studying each of us intensely to see how we ate - I think he thinks he's ready for more solids already!
Curtis shocked his coworkers with his pastry skills on Thursday. He told his coworkers about an apple pie he had made at home, and no one believed him, so he promised to bake another and bring it in for everyone to try. Curtis being Curtis went all out - the pie was a carmel apple pie decorated with apple and leaf cutouts and a sugar coating to make it sparkle. The pie didn't last long at work, and everyone now realizes Curtis can bake.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
After the doc visit, I picked up Alex & Andy Hopkins to come play. We headed to Yellowbanks Park, where Trystin & Andy played Hulk and ran from Jack the Baby Monster. Even Max got to have fun at the park - he loved the swings and the fresh air.
And Curtis owes me another chick flick. Don't ask....just know I'm horrible at picking movies.
Saturday, September 20, 2008

I know, I know. I haven't done a decent update on the addition lately. Things have been a little slower lately while we wait on building inspectors. Curtis also had to redo the plumbing 3 times (very important to have right!) With help from Jack, we now have some of the upstairs walls up. I think Curtis' plan is to blame Jack if the walls aren't level!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
The major construction on the house is pretty much complete with the outside walls and roof complete. Now we just need to install the sliding glass door, 1 window upstairs, and the garage doors to be completely sealed. Curtis has the basic wall and plumbing for my laundry room done. The rest of construction from here on will go more slowly as we'll just be going room by room due to budget constraints. So maybe by next summer the boys will have their own rooms....
Friday, August 15, 2008

Curtis thought we should all brave the rapids, so Trystin, Curtis, & I all waited in line about 30 minutes for the Raging River. Was the wait worth it? Nope. Trystin & I got soaked (yes, I know that's the point), but only got hit with water once. Our little raft got stuck in the river at one point. And the waterfall near the end is no longer active.

Thursday, August 7, 2008
I've also got pictures from yesterday when Trystin went to one of the pig farms where Uncle Gary and cousin Mike work. And I actually have evidence of Trystin working to husk corn (it was quite a task to get him to agree to!). Jack decided he likes corn on the cob, but will only eat it from the end.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
In the afternoon, the Cunningham princes journeyed to King's Point - a water park in Storm Lake. Max hung out with Grandpa Den under a canopy and slept almost the entire time. Jack was a little overwhelmed at first, but he was loving it by the end. As usual he thought he was a big kid and loved it when we took him into areas with deeper water (holding him, of course). He even got brave enough to dip his head under water to blow bubbles a few times. Trystin LOVED the slides. Favorite of the day? The "spooky" slide - the enclosed orange slide that plays music and lights up as you go down.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Oh my! What a hot one today. Trystin's friend Chloe stayed overnight last night. I decided to swing by Ashby Park before we took her home. The water in the splash pool was nice at first, but after a few minutes it didn't feel quite as refreshing anymore. Jack tried getting out to play on the toddler equipment, but the rocks burned his feet and he wasn't ready for shoes yet (because that would mean we were going home). Max got heat rash - his poor face is all broke out. Everyone was exhausted after just 30 minutes.
Friday, August 1, 2008
So....what's been happening around here? Well....
- Max is stretching out (his limbs are SOOOO long and skinny) and starting to show us his personality. He loves his daddy - smiles whenever he hears Curtis' voice. Last night Max only woke once during the night!!! It was really nice to get a 5 hour stretch of sleep instead of just 2-3 hours.
- Jack loves to dance. I'll try to add a video I captured of him - he does the funniest thing with his hips. Whenever Curtis asks him if he wants to go to the "tool store" (Lowe's), Jack runs to get his shoes. His favorite phrases are "Where'd it go?" and "Wait!"
- Happy 10th Birthday Trystin! We got a DQ ice cream cake Thursday to celebrate. He spent today watching his Ben 10 Season 3 DVD and playing Hulk & Ironman on the Wii. Tomorrow we go for pizza and bowling.
- Happy 3rd Anniversary to Curtis & me! Yes, it has really been 3 years. Curtis brought home the most beautiful flower arrangement ever for me. And I must say, he looks extrememly handsome in the new polos I bought for him. We are going to try to go out to Red Lobster one of these nights. But with 3 boys and the addition project, who knows how that will work out.
- As for the house, Curtis will probably start shingling this weekend. I'm hoping I have enough Gatorade mix to keep up with him since it's supposed to be in the 90's with high humidity. It'll be so nice to have the roof complete so we don't have to worry so much about all the rain we've had this season.
- Speaking of rain, our yard is a swamp. We've developed a low spot by the driveway that constantly oozes water. Several spots in the field cannot be mowed because we can't get the mower through the soggy ground. And about a week ago, the creek flooded for the 3rd time this summer.
For the fans of our pictures and videos, I'll get those added later this weekend. So stay tuned - I'm back on the net!
Friday, July 18, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
So yea! No surgery required. We were able to deliver just the way we wanted. No pain killers - just ibuprofin afterwards. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of person Max will become. So far we think he's going to have an "I'll show you" attitude. Why do we think that? Well....
- I didn't think I was pregnant in the first place. Curtis made me take a test anyway, and well, Max showed us!
- We were convinced we were having a girl. But Max showed all boy at his 21 wk ultrasound.
- He made us go through the whole breech situation. Yes, it was fun to see him with the extra ultrasounds, but the idea of c-section had us really anxious.
- Everyone said we would never make it until July (due date was July 15). Max showed us by coming early but of course he waited until the first day of July to prove everyone wrong.
Trystin and Jack have each had a turn to visit already. Trystin held him for a while and then asked for his Big Brother present. Unfortunately we had forgot it at home in our rush to get to the hospital Monday night. But he understood and is looking forward to finding out what kind of book he'll get once Max is home. Jack was also thrilled to meet his brother. I know he doesn't understand the concept of baby brother, but you could tell he knew Max was special to our family. Jack gave Max the sweetest kiss to welcome him.
We'll add pictures once everyone is settled back at home. Thank you to everyone who's sent us messages!
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The creek was also out of its banks and well into our yard today. It was pretty close to the level of a couple weeks ago. We estimated we had about 4 inches of rain so far. More rain is predicted for tonight into tomorrow.
Jack also got his 2nd hair cut today. Yes, we kept the curls, but at least he doesn't look like a girl anymore! He sat much more nicely than last time (thanks to a bribe of Reece's Pieces from Grandma Elaine). And thanks Jenn - my hair is so much better now that you're back!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What next? I have an appointment Friday afternoon. If he hasn’t flipped on his own by then, we will be picking a date for a c-section.
Friday, June 20, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
During a pause in the rain, Tim brought over the airboat for a little fun. At least we're making the most of this mess!

But with the looming threat of Saylorville going over its dam within the next few days (if not later today), Curtis made the executive decision to head over to Morningstar and fly the plane over to Ankeny. The next pic shows how close Morningstar's grassy runway is to being under water already.

While headed over to Ankeny airport, Curtis cruised by the Saylorville spillway and got another perspective on the flooding. They haven't raised the emergency gates yet, but the water is getting close to Flood of 93 levels.
The plane is now safely tied down at the Ankeny airfield. And our creek has started to recede so the yard is no longer underwater at the moment. But yep, it's raining again....
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008